Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Reflection #1 - kristen

I enjoy the readability of Designing Brand Identity by Alina Wheeler. It’s clean and simple. Any successful brands that come to mind seem to meet all of the functional criteria that Wheeler mentions as essential checkpoints to advance a brand. The identity needs to be different, recognizable, memorable, authentic, and meaningful. Something needs to keep people coming back. She also talks about the importance of big visions. The company I researched during class on Monday, Boeing, has an enormous vision. Their ability to dream big is what has gotten them the prestigious reputation that they continue to maintain. Planning for the future is also essential for success. St Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital is a great example of a company driven by preparing for the future. Their entire vision is built around research and hope for the future. I liked reading the bit about Herman Miller and his idea of design being able to solve significant problems in the world. I think most designers are here for that reason, whether they believe it or not. We all strive to change something for the better. 

The Brand Gap by Marty Neumeier exemplifies how branding can make or break a business. It’s more important now than ever because we as a society have moved from the goal of mass production to mass customization as consumers. The average person doesn’t pay much attention to or question brands or identities. They simply read them as they are and accept it for what it is. I think this is changing and people are paying more attention to the authenticity and the uniqueness of the companies they do business with. I think it’s so interesting how design can manipulate people to consume things that could harm them unknowingly or just to purchase something for more than it’s worth. There is a restaurant in my home town that makes lots of money because they know how to make things look nice, but the food is not so good and the service is shameful. People continue to go because it’s the nicest looking restaurant in town. It used to make me mad but now I’m just kind of impressed.

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